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Priority Thematics

Identifying Thematics


Each participating city organizes its own local consultation to identify the Thematic(s) that interest it, based on its main concerns.


Drawing up the "Thematic Sheet" (see working document below) will make it possible to:


  • Describe the current situation facing the city in terms of conservation and sustainable urban development, with reference to the political vision adopted at the Symposium of Québec.


  • Highlight the relevance of the thematic(s) to Roadmap issues at stake.


  • List any initiatives or projects that have been implemented or are underway, in relation to the Thematic(s).


Priority Thematics and Pilot Cities


Cities that prioritize one of these Thematics for development within the framework of the Roadmap become "Pilots."


The following document will help you identify your priority Thematic(s). You will also find the synoptic tables prepared following the Québec Symposium to help you with the process.


Round Tables


The General Secretariat organizes virtual Thematic Round Tables, enabling elected representatives from Pilot Cities to present their priority Thematic to all OWHC member cities. The aim is to propose the formation of Collaborative Networks to enable collective work to be carried out.


Click on the link below to view the videos and synthesis sheets of the Thematics already presented at the Round Tables:

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